Siena Tuscany Italy

Siena is located at the central of Tuscany in Italy.

Siena used to be a place for horse riding competition. The floor is slanting down from the side to the middle.
 Now, it become a historical places. Sitting and chatting is breath taking. You feel relax. There is restaurant on the ground floor. Food is nice! usually come in a set with wine.

This is the The Piazza del Campo, the unique shell shaped piazza at the center of the city, and twice a year the horse racetrack for the Palio.
I am having a set lunch here (pizza + wine) with less than $20 euro. It is a beautiful day with cooling wind and hot sun! I super enjoying. 

 One of the James bond movie was acted here.

The view of Siena

 This hood is for the horse parking.

Duomo - Siena Cathedral is a medieval church in Siena, Italy, dedicated from its earliest days as a Roman Catholic Marian church, and now dedicated to Santa Maria Assunta.

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Siena Tuscany Italy Europe
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