Tender Fresh near Sengkang PCN now!

Tenderbest at Sengkang is near to nature and spacious. 
It is their latest opening shop near Sengkang PCN. 

5 pieces family Chicken
It is huge and crispy!

Fried onion - Onion Blossom. It caught my attention where they offer this rare dish.
It is quite powdery which coated with curry powder and flour. 

It is a self service place, a you can get children cutlery and your condiments. 



Big & crispy chicken and reasonable price = Satisfaction

Coming Again?|Datang Lagi?|再来?

Yes, if you are looking for Fried chicken 


50, Anchorvale Street, Singapore 544834

Opening Time|Waktu Buka|营业时间

Weekday 11am - 10pm
Weekend 8:30am - 10pm

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