Din Tai Fung is originated from Taiwan where famous of it Xiao Long Pao (steamed dumpling). Other than steamed dumpling, Din Tai Fung food like noodle and rice have exceptional taste and quality attracted many customers and worth of mouth bring the business rolling. During lunch and dinner, Din Tai Fung queue is like a snake. You need to wait at least 30mins to and hour. It is longer during dinner time.
Fried Prawn. The prawn are crispy.
Pork chop fried rice.
The meat is tender and when you bite on it, it is juicy rather than dry. The fried rice is fried nicely cover with eggs. When you eat the rice with the pork chop, it create a good combination.
Prawn and pork dumpling
Din Tai Fung is one of my favorite eat restaurant. It always serve the food hot and nice. It always long queue no matter which branches I go. Go early lunch or dinner to avoid the long queue.
PRICE | 价钱
LOVE | 爱
WHERE | 那里
Din Tai Fung